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Part One - The Presentation.


Using all resources at your disposal (internet, encyclopedias and books) research the following so that you can include it on your website. Be sure to check out the resource page on this website.


Your website must include the following.


Picture of the biome


Location: Indicate the locations of your biome around the world, using both text and a map.


Climate: A section of your website must include information about the weather that occurs in your biome. This section must include:

the average temperature in the summer months, the average temperature in the winter months and the amounts of rainfall received in a year


Plants: A section of your website must include information about 2 specific plants that are particular to your biome. This section must include:

  • a picture of each of the 2 plants

  • a paragraph about each plant in which you 1) tell the species name, 2) describe why it is significant to that particular biome, and 3) explain its adaptations (structural or behavioral) that allows it to survive in this particular biome.


Animals: A section of your website must include information about 2 specific animals that are particular to your biome. This section must include:

  • a picture of each animal

  • a paragraph about each animal in which you 1) tell the species name, 2) describe why it is significant to that particular biome, and 3) explain its adaptations (structural or behavioral) that allows it to survive in this particular biome.


Human Interference: A section of your website must include how pollution or human interference may be affecting your biome. Items to include are:

  • what type of pollution/interference occurs

  • what happens to the animal and plant life

  • what endangered species are present in this biome?

  • What is the fear of climate change for this biome?



Survival: A section of your website must include a plan for surviving in this biome without any of the conveniences of modern technology. Include shelter, food, access to water, weapons, etc. Be creative! 

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