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You are to write a letter to Mrs. Cuttatree as the owl you were given in class. YOU ARE THE OWL! In the letter introduce yourself and tell her why it would be a terrible idea to cut down the forest which is your habitat. Include the following facts about your owl in your letter along with your picture. Write your letter on a Google Doc and share it with Shane.  Include the following information in letter format. 


Common Name of Owl 


Scientific Name 


Physical Appearance

Height (centimeters)

Weight (grams)

Wing Span (centimeters)

Number of eggs in the clutch 


Does your owl have any unique physical characteristics or structural adaptations? Describe them in the letter

Does your owl have any behavioral adaptations that help it survive? Does your owl Migrate? If so where and when? If not what does it do in the winter?


Describe your owl’s habitat. Where does your owl nest? What does it's forest habitat provide for it to survive?


What is your owl’s typical diet?


Describe your owl’s place in the food chain. Think about what would happen if your owl went extinct or didn't have the habitat it needs to survive. 


What do you find the most interesting about your owl? Why should Mrs. Cuttatree care about you? Make an argument for your survival.



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