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Observational Drawings

To look at an insect from afar does not do it justice. I want you to get up close and personal with 3 different insects. Using your observational skills draw an insect in your sketchbook using colored pencils. Then choose 3 adaptations to highlight and describe in no fewer than 3 sentences. At the bottom of the page, you are to ask 3 questions. You will have magnifying glasses to use in addition to the dissecting scopes.

Observational Drawing


This process is all about what you see and not what is in your head. Your drawing should be big and show specific features. You may choose a small part of the object and expand from there. Use all of your senses smell it, touch it, listen to it. Fall in LOVE with the detail nature provides. When you are finished ask yourself:

  • Have I looked at my object from several different perspectives?

  • Have I done all that I can to observe and note details?

  • Have I used my sense of touch, sight, smell and hearing to gather and then note as much information about the object as I can?

  • Do I feel like I “know” this object in a way that I didn’t before I tried to draw it?

  • Have I jotted down all the scientific thoughts, questions and ideas that came to mind as I observed and drew the object?

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