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The Research



You are to research some aspect of an insect and its relationship to the environment. This is not to be a “report” about the insect but rather something interesting, cool, destructive or perhaps deadly that the insect does. What is its place in the food web? What structural or behavioral adaptations does it possess? What would happen if it went extinct?

Ideas include:

  • Zika Virus  Click to view a past project

  • The plight of the Monarch Butterfly / what is their lifecycle? Where do they migrate? What are the chances they will exist in 50 years?

  • What is happening to our honeybees? What about other pollinators? Can we live without these animals?

  • What is the social life of an ant? Why do scientists study this phenomena?

  • How are insects used for the biological control of invasive species? (purple loosestrife as an example)

  • How do insect adaptations make them so successful? Why are head lice so hard to control?

You may represent your understanding by creating a detailed poster, Google Slide, write and perform a play or script, make a video, create a diorama or do a Public Service Announcement. If you have another idea, run it by me.



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